Our most important campaign ever.
WaterTower Theatre is not like other theatre companies. We have you. Your support inspired us to not only keep the lights on, but to discover innovative avenues to bring excellent productions to our community. Your support kept local artists, designers, and technicians on the job. Your support kept professional theatre alive in North Texas.
So save the date! We will be celebrating the season with a special evening Gala. And you're invited!
Ticket sales alone account for only 40% of the cost of producing quality theatre, and the changes that WTT has put in place to ensure employee safety and the survival of the organization have increased overhead costs significantly but are necessary new line items in our budgets looking forward. Testing, PPE, sanitization, film, editing costs have increased budgets by nearly 20%.
We need you to join with us to raise $100,000 to ensure the rest of our silver anniversary season can continue & WaterTower can continue to serve North Texas for generations to come.

Donate what you can. There's no pressure. No matter what amount you give, your support makes a difference. All contributions will directly support WaterTower Theatre’s safe and innovative theatrical programming.